Many scars can be softened and re-pigmented with tatooing. The process is called M.C.A (Multitrepannic Collagen Actuation). It is basically dry needling, and the success rate is amazing. From face lift scars, tummy tuck scars (all cosmetic scarring) to trauma scars from surgery or accidents.
Scalp Camoflauge
This treatment is very successful after hair transplants and works really well in conjunction with any scarring, for both men and women.
The subtle art of micropigmentation can have the effect of stubble or closely shaven scalp. The results are truly amazing.
M.C.A can again be used to soften and relax painful tight scarring from a burn. Again without any use of pigment it has had truly amazing results.
Areola and Nipple Reconstruction
This is often seen as the finishing touch at the end of a long and traumatic journey. We can create 'The Illusion of Protrusion' where there is no nipple, or simply create a soft and subtle areola to make our patients feel complete again.
This treatment is not only for after a Mastectomy, but can also restore colour or disguise scarring after breast augmentation, or reduction.
Cleft Lip
This treatment can completely transform somebodys life. It can restore a persons self esteem and confidence. Permanent makeup can create a cupids bow, which is normally the area lost due to a cleft lip. The contour of the lip is recreated using colour and shading.
This treatment can once again restore confidence and self esteem and, put back what life has taken away. Quite often clients are more upset losing their brows and eyelashes, more than their hair. Permanent makeup can re create hair in the most natural of ways.